
Festival of Revenge

“At last the day has arrived” said Ghuzman with bloodlust. Ghuzman jumps out his bed with excitement flowing through his body and gets ready for the morning to head out towards the Mexican festival El Chapo in his town which is held once a year on June 15th. Ghuzman leaves his small brick house at the edge of the town and runs straight towards the town center where the festival is being held. 

It is exactly 11 in the morning and over 30 degrees celsius as Ghuzman walks through the empty festival streets with no one around since the festival is expected to start seven hours from now. Ghuzman enters a liquor shop in the town center to pick himself up two bottles of Vodka which he packs in a bag and continues his way through the town center. He then walks towards a hole located between two buildings right outside the town center. Ghuzman ducks into the the wide hole which leads to a system of tunnels underneath the city which were originally built for military purposes of the town, but the tunnels were blocked off after most of them collapsed, although the hole Ghuzman entered was able to lead a good 8 meters into the tunnels before being blocked by fallen rocks. Sitting inside the tunnel is one small five Liter barrel filled with gasoline along with a couple boxes of matches.

Ghuzman inspects the dark opening for a few seconds “great it’s all still here untouched” says Ghuzman while cranking a creepy smile. Ghuzman crawls back out the hole while looking both directions to see if anyone was around and then walks back home. Along the way Ghuzman sees his friend Juan and waves at him with a fake smile on his face. “Hey there buddy coming to the festival this evening” responds Juan “Of course Juan would you like to join me tonight for some drinks too” offers Ghuzman while flashing the bottles of Vodka “Don’t mind if I do, you how much I love Vodka, I’ll meet you at the festival at 6” replies Juan. Both of them part ways and as soon as Ghuzman arrives home he lies down in his bed and sleeps until the start of the festival.

“Finally it’s come the time to give that fool what he deserves for taking everything away from me, hell!” yells Ghuzman as he dresses up and gets ready to head towards the El Chapo festival with the two bottles of Vodka he bought. Ghuzman heads straight for the bar where Juan usually hangs out to meet up with him. Ghuzman spots Juan in the corner of the bar sitting alone with some beers on his table. “Shall we get the real drinking started” says Ghuzman as he sits down acting extra friendly with Juan. “Man pour me some already I’ve been dying for some Vodka the whole day” shouts Juan. Ghuzman pours Juan multiple shots of Vodka but for himself pretends to be taking shots of Vodka when in reality he’s spitting it back out on the ground. 

Almost two hours into the festival it is filled with people and Juan is as drunk as one can get. “By the way Juan I have something to show you won’t you come with me” says Ghuzman in an excited voice. “I I uh uh think I uh I’ll passss” muttered Juan barely able to form words. “Fine I guess you don’t want to see the Fireball Whisky I bought for us to enjoy” says Ghuzman disappointed. “D d did ya just s say f f fireball whisky uh take me uh to it” says Juan quickly switching his mind as Fireball Whisky was considered an extremely expensive high quality drink in the town. Ghuzman leads Juan to the hole he inspected earlier in the day and both of them drop down below into it. “The fireball should be sitting back there somewhere” says Ghuzman guiding Juan to the end of the tunnel while pouring the barrel of gasoline all over the ground behind him. “ I don’t uh s see it a anywhere” shouts Juan in dissatisfaction. Scratch! Ghuzman lights a fire from the matches earlier sitting there and drops it directly on the puddle of gasoline behind Juan. Whoosh! As soon as Juan turns around he is met with a raging line of fire which confuses him since he is very intoxicated. “What is is Thisss Ghuzmaaann!” screams Juan in fear after he realizes the situation. “Oh my bad I did I say Fireball Whisky I meant fireball ha ha ha ha!” jokes Ghuzman as Juan burns to ashes.“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” cries Ghuzman, but no one is able to hear as everyone is busy at the festival.

Ghuzman takes a good look at the hole once again with satisfaction of revenge on Juan for what he did to his family and then crawls out sealing the hole with a cart full of large rocks parked near the hole. “So what now my purpose is over” says Ghuzman feeling an endless amount of emptiness within his soul. Ghuzman felt satisfaction for the moment, but finds no more reasons in his life to live for since his family was gone too. Ghuzman heads back to his home to never be caught although lives on to lead a lonely and worthless life without anything else to do.

Poem with explanation

Finding my way out

I chose the wrong road and now find myself stuck in traffic

I am not in control of this life anymore it’s moving automatic

Perhaps if I wait it through I can finally get back to my normal pace

But this traffic is almost endless I could always just cut through and race

That will only cause me to catch a ticket along the way

Forcing me to stop on the side and waste more time having to stay

If only I could turn back time to take a different route

Then maybe I could have found a way out

The past is in the past the future is my real destination

My present is all that counts what decisions I make now will determine my location

It seems impossible to find a way through all these cars so I hop out

I have decided to walk the rest of the way without doubt

At last after the endless walk and exhaustion I am here 

I can finally laugh again and cheer

Who knows where I would be if I stayed in the vehicle waiting

For all I know my efforts have lead me to a result that’s amazing


Line 1- In line one I describe myself choosing the wrong road and ending up in traffic meaning I made many bad decisions in my life, one specific one being procrastination and that has led me to a hard place like traffic.

Line 2- By life going automatic I am showing how much actual control I have over my current situation because of my decisions which is very little.

Line 3- Maybe if I just keep going along with the life I chose right now possibly I could still find a good end such as waiting the traffic out which is basically endless almost.

Line 4/5/6- Perhaps if I cheat myself through this I can find an easy way out, but my actions will always have consequences and eventually I’ll be caught up into more trouble like I have in the past worsening the situation so it’s better to play fair and honestly.

Line 7/8/9/10- I always wish to have the power to turn back in time to fix all my mistakes instead of having to face this terrible reality. But the past stays in the past and the future is what really matters at this point in time, and so I must decide what to do right now in the present in order to find myself in a better place in the future.

Line 11/12- I have decided to put in the effort and make better decisions right now and that is represented through walking to my destination instead of staying in the same place forever wasting time.

Line- 13/14- After the endless walk and exhaustion also portraying my struggles/ obstacles and overcoming them I have found a great future in which I can laugh and finally live in peace basically meaning the end result is worth the hardships faced.

Line- 15/16- If I stayed in the same place I was before just awaiting my fate of coming to a dead end again and again I would never be able to progress forward but because I made the effort to walk and overcome my hardships in life I was truly able to see great results which were worth it in the end and benefitted me.

Free Choice October

The Universe out there Beyond our Reach

Ever since I was a child, space has always interested me as there is an almost endless possibility of what exists out there far from our homeland Earth. It is said that in the not too distant future Earth may become a wasteland unable to sustain life due to factors such as pollution and war, which could force humans to colonize Mars creating a new life there. I myself will probably not live long enough to experience such a thing, but if I had the choice to be one of the very few men to set foot on Mars, I would take the opportunity without second thought. 

Adventure and exploring has always been one of my favourite things to do in life because you never know what could be out there unless you see it for yourself, which is also the case for our universe. The Universe, currently, is an unimaginable size for humans and who knows what it could be carrying out there. I myself believe there to be aliens somewhere in the universe or possibly even be hiding among us in society, hidden from us by the government. You never know what secrets the world can be hiding from us unless you go seek for answers yourself. 

The amount of variety of things that have been discovered in the universe just keeps expanding – from a planet literally made of diamonds, to other Earth-like planets possibly sustaining life just like Earth, along with a planet that is entirely covered by an ocean, etc…. The list just keeps going on and growing. 

Unfortunately, as of right now, there isn’t any technology that could allow humanity to reach beyond the Moon or Mars, which is really disappointing knowing what opportunities could be lying out there for us in space undiscovered.

 I would love to become an astronaut when I grow up in order to venture out to discover these things for myself, but it is a path too risky for me in regards to not knowing what could happen up ahead, and I’m just not the right person for this job as it requires many years of studying. I feel as if I would just wear out midway through. 

I believe that the Universe out there could be holding many things which are a benefit to humanity, or even solutions to many current problems we are facing on earth – such as limited resources of oil and gas, precious metals and jewels, food for the increasing population, and also the limited space on Earth as the population increases all of which these things could be provided to us on other planets if we keep searching for it. 

It’s unfortunate to know that the future exploration of our universe is still a long way from my time as we are limited by many factors like technology, money, and other hardships right now being the pandemic, poverty and much more. I definitely do think it is necessary that we first solve our issues on Earth before we go out into space, but then again the solutions could also be out there hiding somewhere. Some day I dream that humans will, over time, progress further and further into the universe beyond just our solar system and make many astonishing discoveries as there is an endless possibility of what can be found in an infinite space.